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The same happened to these two Brazilian twins. Five months into her pregn@ncy, their mother Aliane found out that was having conj0!ned twins, following a scan during her second trime$ter. Worry!ng not only for the health of the babies but for her health too, the mother-to-be and her husband $trugg*led to c0pe with the news. The couple $0ught out the best doctor as soon as possible who rea$$ured them Eliane wouldn’t $uffer or be in d@nger during the pregn@ncy. The boys were born without any compl!c@tions four months later, de$pite their concerns they made the decision not to ab0rt the pregn@ncy.
The two brothers share three legs, inte$tines, a bl@dder, liver and gen!t@ls. They are from Bahia in Brazil. These kinds of babies often d!e very soon or get pr0ne to many severe d!$eases, but luckily they survived and now are five years old. They are now under going a life changing $urge*ry to be separated. They will be separated at the h!ps and each will be left with just one leg, their third leg being used for vit@l skin gr@fts.
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